May the mind of Christ my Savior live in me from day to day...

By His love and power controlling all I do and say

Saturday, July 31, 2010

so I have a high school, before my days of driving, my mom was getting me from play rehearsal and brings my dog Bonnie with her. Mom opens the car door and Bonnie jumps out. Now...Bonnie is a wee little dachshund. Precious baby. She spots me in the lobby of the FA building and something to note about this building is that the entire front of the building is after Bonnie spots me, she runs straight for me. Before any of us knew it...**SPLAT** Bonnie runs straight into the glass door. She was dizzy for the rest of the day.

Point of this story, I feel like Bonnie right now after crashing into that glass. It's been a busy busy last few weeks. I've moved out of my apartment, packed and moved stuff into storage, flew to Dallas, flew to Atlanta, drove to Birmingham and that was all within the last week. I'm still recovering! I have whiplash with all that has gone on this past week! It was great--but i'm super tired!

This past week was RUF training with all RUF employees. One memorable statement made, a man commented that he remembered back when Ruf training was only 25 men meeting, now we had over 200 people! Amazing. A highlight of the week was taking communion together as a body. We had the session at a local church come to serve us communion and goodness it was a neat sight to see us as individuals approach the Lord's supper and at the same time a joined body. The fellowship was great. there's something about spending time with people who know EXACTLY what has been going on this summer. We could all relate to one another in many ways. The week was fun, fellowship was great, laughter at the maximum! Look forward to October!

But the summer is drawing to an end, moving time is coming and goodbyes will take up the next few days! As my time in MS ends I have loved loved loved it! I will miss Mississippi! but certainly look foward to Dallas and SMU. I got to see the gorgeous campus and will be still getting to know it. Went to this amazing grocery store, central market. Best place ever! I will be there many times over the next 2 years i know!

Please be praying for transitioning, moving and still looking for an apartment! But i'm super close to finding something! I'm over 50% on support raising! That's amazing to see how the Lord has provided! Also please be praying for my fellow interns as we all collectively raise support to get to our respective campuses.

1 comment:

  1. I love you, and I love the Bonnie story. Obviously, a few ridiculous things have happened in front of that fine arts building.... Oh man. Praying for you with these final moments of summer, that the Lord would continue to bless you as your transition to SMU. May He provide for you in ways far greater than we can imagine, in terms of support as well as your in this next step of your ministry. Love you!
