May the mind of Christ my Savior live in me from day to day...

By His love and power controlling all I do and say

Sunday, June 27, 2010


I am learning to be humble. Not to rely on myself or my family to provide. I am learning to rely soley on my Heavenly Father for my needs. It is a hard road, to acknowledge the fact that I can't bring in the money, it's the Lord's money that he is providing. I also can't sit and wait, I am also called to be proactive. This is the Lord's money and He is providing them, but I need to go find it.
A sin I am struggling with now is pride. Having to ask someone for money, or prayer support makes me feel like I'm taking it away from someone else. The whole I can give and give but I don't like to receive. Right now I am being molded and fired right now.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June June June

It blows my mind to know that June is almost over. It's been a great month so far though. Granted the weather in Hattiesburg, MS is extremely muggy and hot. My time lately has been emailing, contacting and sending letters to folks! and there is still SOO much more to do.

I have a summer class, the last one before I graduate!! It has been very difficult to stay motivated and diligent to my schoolwork when I know that there is so much to do for preparing to get to campus in the fall. Please be praying that I will desire to finish my work well as I get ready to graduate!

Well support raising now is 15% right now, which is nice! I'm moving up!

A thing about support raising that I have learned is that I am bad at asking. A friend of mine would tell me in the past that I am really bad at telling people what I need, and this is exactly what I will be doing for the next two years. The beauty through all of this is that if this is the Lord's calling for me, He is going to provide the money! Another thing I have learned is that it isn't a bad thing to ask the body of Christ for money to support me as I go onto campus. I am asking for a partnership with a church or individuals. I am going to be going to SMU as their personal missionary! The prayer and financial support will be used mightly in my work with RUF at SMU!

Prayer Requests---
-I've been having problems sleeping at night, please be praying that I was have restfull and consistent sleeping!
-That I will be daily exposing myself to the gospel and the Lord's Word
-That the Lord will already begin to provide community out in Dallas

Saturday, June 19, 2010

the rubber hits the road

So i just sat down with my grandparents and for 2 hours we discussed potential donors from their friends! i can only say how much i appreciate their willingness and they way they are serving me through assisting me this way! I love them dearly, but goodness I am now realizing that time is really of the essence. It's a week out of coming back from my first RUF training and there is still so much work left to do before the end of July.

I just started this blog and will hopefully stick with this! My desire is keep people in touch with my ministry and what is going on!

Quick note on training:
-it was a wonderful week, i met many fellow interns who can already tell will be dear friends! we had a fun time talking, kareoking!, and just having a good time!
-it was an overwhelming week of information, but boy did i need to know and hear all of it!
-i met reality. This summer will be difficult and extremely humbling. But if this is the Lord's call for me, which I do believe it is, He alone will bring in the money. John Stone said, Jesus already has the money, it's His, but i need to go ask and find it!
-I will need prayer, so much!
-I have the best job for the next 2 years, it's my job to grow in grace and understanding of my Lord Jesus Christ. And from spiritual overflow, that's how i will serve the campus of SMU. If my life is not being saturated by His gospel daily, how can i serve students? I will be doing it on fumes and very limitingly. How good is it to serve a God who loves limitlessly!

So prayer requests are:
-confidence to approach individuals and churches
-a servant's heart as I work this summer on raising support and prayer support
-diligence as i still have 1 more class, that i will do my work as a student
-that the Lord will be preparing community already over in Dallas!